Wednesday, July 6, 2011

First you wade

Well, here it goes, my first step into the world of blogging. I've been thinking about it for quite sometime now but have never gotten around to it. However, all good things must come to an end and now the world will be that much more polluted since I am now putting it out there. One more person who feels like what's in my mind will be worth the effort of writing down so that other people can critique it and be enriched.

I am going to assume that blogging is much like swimming and therefore start out by dipping my toes in to test the waters instead of just jumping in on the 12' side of the pool and then remembering that I don't know how to swim. I don't happen to see any lifeguards hanging around waiting to rescue me, so perhaps caution won't be a total waste of my time. Once I've dipped my toes, if the water is icy, I might have to stand and shiver for awhile before I get brave enough to sit on the side and dangle my legs--but we shall see. However, it's warm and comfy then I might jump in right away.

1 comment:

  1. Oh come on - just jump in :) The water really is fine, and you don't even hit any real 'cold' pockets - really it is a journal for you to follow when you get too old to remember all the places you've been!
