Monday, August 22, 2011


Well, I finally  made it back to this page. I guess dipping my toes in and testing the waters was the wrong way to go about this--I should have jumped in and just sunk or swum. Life is like that most of the time,  you have to jump in, being cautious doesn't usually get you the results you want.

Life is funny in a lot of ways. I was driving home the other day and it was about 98 degrees and 95% humidity. Not exactly comfortable weather for anything. I came around a curve and there was a car, dead in the road. There was one young woman in the car and another woman about 80 years old trying to push it out of the way with the bumper of her truck. Being the person that I am, I pulled off the road and asked if they needed help--it's what a decent human should do. So I got out and pushed the car out of the way while two guys sat in a truck behind us and watched and other traffic went whizzing by us as soon as we opened the way.

What is it with people who don't want to stop and help? The lady in trouble was obviously not concealing a chainsaw under her jacket waiting to wield it on the first unwary idiot to stop and offer to  help. She wasn't wearing enough clothes to conceal a pen knife. And the 80 year old woman had both of her legs in support stockings so she wasn't likely to run fast enough to catch someone and murder them either. So, since it was obvious from a brief, casual initial glance that life and limb were not in danger--where would the harm in stopping to help out be?

It's sad to think that we live in a culture that doesn't value helping others more. We're big into talking about random acts of kindness and talking care of people, but talk is cheap.

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